3:08 AM – We made some changes to the camera set up – since we weren’t getting many hummingbird videos yet, we swapped that feeder with the cylindrical ‘suet’ feeder. There’s always something going on there, usually woodpeckers, but plenty of other kinds as well.
The big Red-bellied Woodpecker is now a regular at the mealworm feeder. Usually we only capture his head and shoulders, but the placement of the camera today shows him hanging upside down to get to the worms.
The Carolina Wren is such a frequent visitor that we don’t usually post videos of them. We usually see them at the mealworm feeder, though they show up often at the suet feeder, as well as the platform. In this case, we had some mealworms in the platform feeder that attracted him. Wrens, like so many others, really like mealworms.