1:00 AM – Unexpected Retro-Wednesday!! No decent current videos due to rain, so here’s one from two years ago, Monday, 1..15.2018.
3:44 AM – We spotted a new bird yesterday, a Northern Flicker. This is a variety of woodpecker. According to the online experts, they live in the South year around, though this is the first one we’ve seen. They’re a very handsome bird. The video is not the best, but it’s good enough to identify him. It starts with a Robin getting water, then the Flicker arrives and runs him off.
On these freezing days, once the ice is replaced with liquid water, the traffic picks up at the bird bath. Here’s a Tufted Titmouse and a Pine Warbler.
This squirrel has unusual markings – part brown and part gray. Not sure is this is a seasonal change, or if he’s just getting old. They’re mostly one color; around here they’re gray.