Sunday – 10.14.2018

1:00 AM – Retro Sunday!

Saturday – 10.14.2017

2:57 AM – Assorted birds on the Squirrel Buster feeder. We have a Cardinal, a female House Finch and a White Breasted Nuthatch. The Finch and Nuthatch come and go, but nothing keeps the Cardinal from his meal.

It’s sometimes hard to tell the Purple Finch from the House Finch. The mediocre quality of our cameras doesn’t help (though they do pretty well for budget security cams). In this case, the color of the bird looks purple, not red. But he’s got stripes on his belly, which Cornell Labs tells me is the mark of the House Finch. On the other hand, I’ve found images of the Purple with stripes too.  I’ll call it a Purple Finch. It’s a pretty bird, either way.