Wednesday – 7.4.2018

1:00 AM – Emergency Retro webpage, from one year ago today.

Monday – 7.3.2017

1:47 AM – Tufted Titmouse on the mealworm feeder reaches out and pecks the camera, right in the eye. Slow motion instant replay after the action.

This Carolina Wren is repeated taking mealworms away, presumably back to the nest, for mate and young birds. He aways flies slightly to the right of the feeder, toward the corner of the fence. .There’s a lot of dense shrubbery on the other side.

On our last trip to Wild Birds Unlimited they were out of the pepper impregnated version of these bird seed cylinders, so we got the regular kind. The birds like them, but also, of course, the squirrels. We moved the cylinder cage to in front of the camera yesterday, and caught these images (among many others) of a squirrel going to town on the compressed bird food. He might as well enjoy himself now – we’re making a run back to Birds Unlimited in a few days, and we expect they’ll have the good, squirrel-proof stuff in stock.