Friday – 5.25.1946

1:00 AM – Birthday Bluebird retrospective! Sad to say the many Bluebirds we had in the yard have all gone somewhere else. We hope they’ll be back, but until then, here are videos of Bluebirds of yesterday.

In the first part of this video there’s one on the platform feeder. This is not their usual hangout lately, but I think there were a few mealworms in the mix. That will attract them. In the second part, they’re at their usual feeding station.

We have a number of these clips of juvenile Bluebirds terrorizing the other birds. In this one, a young Bluebird takes on a Dove twice his size, runs him off, then looks around for more victims.

Bluebird mealworm brunch, attended by up to four Bluebirds at a time. I wonder how many would cluster around if the feeder was bigger.

Here are some juvenile Bluebirds being approached by a juvenile Robin. I’m pretty sure the Robin wants to be friends, but the Bluebirds aren’t having any of that.