Sunday – 10.22.2017

12:28 AM – We had enough decent videos this week so that once again we’re skipping ‘Retro Sunday’. Instead, here’s a series of birds (and others) at the birdbath. We’re getting a greater variety now that the camera is focused on the water feature. In order of appearance: Brown Thrasher, Purple Finch, Yellow Warbler (I think), a squirrel   and finally, a Raccoon passing through on his way to ravage the mealworm feeder. I’m calling the third one a Yellow Warbler, and not a Goldfinch, because there are no head markings. But I could easily be wrong.

Lots of Bluebirds around lately. I’d still like to get footage of them chasing each other, but that’s not really possible with our cameras and very limited cinematography skill. Here’s one having a suet-snack.

Carolina Chickadee at the Squirrel Buster.