Wednesday – 8.23.2017

3:58 AM – This Red-bellied Woodpecker, the juvenile with the gray head, seems to have some new feathers coming in. We hope that’s what’s happening, and not an adult molting. Though there’s nothing wrong with molting. Some birds do it several times a year. But it looks sad. Here’s the woodpecker on the cylinder feeder, then making a rare visit to the deck platform.

We’re seeing more finches these days. It’s hard to tell the House Finch (red feathers) from the Purple Finch (purple feathers). They look pretty much the same to me, very often, and the cameras are not completely reliable about capturing the true shade/hue etc. Anyway, here’s a couple of brief clips of finches at the platform feeder, eating and bickering. This one is almost certainly a Purple.