Wednesday – 6.21.2017

1:03 AM – Lately we’re sticking to the ‘pepper’ seed to discourage squirrels, but most of the regulars really like the black oil sunflower seeds and other delicacies. D has been adding peanuts to the plain pepper seed mix, to make things more interesting to the Cardinals and Blue Jays. Here’s one of the latter picking up one nut after another, evidently tasting each until he finds the one he likes.

I don’t know if it’s the time of year, but the Tufted Titmice (one of them, at least) appear much darker in color than usual. So much so that at first I though they were a new kind of bird at the feeders. But no, a closer look confirms: they’re Titmice.

White Breasted Huthatch, acrobatic as always, at the suet feeder.