6:09 AM – It’s Retro-Sunday again, featuring the best of past Backyard Foodcourt videos. Today we’re taking a look at woodpeckers. We usually see two kinds in this part of Alabama, the Red-bellied Woodpecker, and the smaller Downy Woodpecker. The Red-bellied doesn’t really have a red belly, but they do have a bright red head, and nicely patterned black and white back.
From January, 17, here’s a Red-belly at the open feeder, a pretty rare sight. They usually like the perch style feeders. This one is here because he likes the peanuts he’s picking out of the seed:
The Red-belly at the suet feeder, a more common sight. From February 14.
This male Downy Woodpecker (you can tell it’s male by the red patch) usually sticks to the suet feeders, or in this case, a ‘pepper’ seed-cake in a cage. From Feb 26.
On June 12, we have two female Downy’s at the mealworm feeder, not their usual choice of feeder.