Sunday – 7.14.2019

1:00 AM – Retro-Sunday!! This post from two years ago, Friday 7.14.2019.

5:38 AM – Now that we have two generations of young bluebirds, plus the adults, we get plenty of videos of bluebirds eating, drinking, squabbling and so on. I don’t know if these three are the same young toughs we saw at the waterhole yesterday. But they could be.

The Cardinal who had molted away his head feathers seems to be making progress in recovering. As can be seen here, he’s got most of his head feathers back, but still has some bare areas around the neck. I think one online source said it takes about 6 weeks to go through the entire process.

This Tufted Titmouse doesn’t have much of a crest, if any at all. I presume it’s also molting, since this seems to  be the season for it.