Sunday – 6.9.2019

1:00 AM – Retro-Sunday!! Webpage from Friday, 6.9.2017.

2;17 AM – Is it just my imagination or does that squirrel look fat? If not actually obese, at least very well padded. Well, he should be overweight, along with all the other feeder rodents, what with the volume of bird food they’ve been eating. What to do, what to do.

Mrs. Cardinal doesn’t look too happy over the picked over sunflower seed selection. It’s the end of the day, and the feeder needs to be replenished (THANKS, Mr. Squirrel). Too bad. She’ll just have to make do with one of the other two platform feeders, or one of the three vertical Squirrel Buster feeders, or – and this is popular with Mr. C – the mealworm feeder. We may be spoiling these backyard animals.