1:00 AM – Retro-Sunday!!! This one from two years ago, Friday 5.19.2017:
4:57 AM – The Cardinals are still the most frequent visitors, in spite of the recent Blue Jay activity. They start eating early, and are usually the last ones we see on camera at the end of the day. Here’s some general Cardinal eating, drinking, bathing, making territorial displays etc.
This one started as an illustration of the size difference between the Mockingbird and others – the point being that the Mockingbird is bigger than I thought. But the video doesn’t really do a good job of showing that. I’m posting it anyway because 1) it’s done and ready, and 2) it’s got cool ‘freeze frame’ technique. These videos are done with iMovie. I’m still learning the software. Next on my list is split screen shots.
Nothing new about a squirrel hogging the feeder, but I liked these shots of a small one (presumably one of the crop born this year) helping himself.