Friday – 4.20.2018

1:00 AM – Just a few days ago we posted a ‘retro’ video that had an Indigo Bunting in it. We hadn’t seen one for a full year, though we would have liked to. Today, by coincidence, we have video of a couple Indigo’s. This will be an all-Bunting all-the-time post, with three clips of Indigo’s on a Squirrel Buster feeder.

According to the online experts, the breeding males are this bright color. In this clip, though, the Bunting seem hesitant about flying, and looks kind of like a fledgling. But fledglings aren’t blue like that, the experts say, so presumably it’s adult.

Unfortunately, the camera is not up close, but there they are:

In this one there’s just one Bunting, having a snack. Not a very dramatic video, but it’s still an Indigo Bunting. It would be wonderful if they stuck around.

And finally, we’ll end with a little excitement. The two Buntings have a brief squabble at the beginning of the clip.