Sunday – 2.25.2018

5:02 AM – Sunday Retro-Page:

Saturday – 2.25.2017

11:29 PM – One of the raccoons came by this evening. First he washes his paws, then tastes the pepper suet. He doesn’t like it, and so moves on to the mealworm feeder, which he does like. The sequence of videos shows him eating the mealworms from the feeder, then shaking the mealworms out of the feeder onto the ground. Finally we see him descending and making a meal of them. Raccoons are clever. Maybe we should stop feeding and recording the birds, and focus on raccoons. Probably not, though. We’ll have to start bringing in the mealworms at night.

Eating directly from the feeder:

And now, giving the feeder a good shake:

Grazing mealworms on the ground: