10:30 AM – We had some snow, but mostly sleet that froze into solid ice on the deck. Friday night we pulled the cameras in, but this morning, I set them up again.
Over the last few days I tried to keep some liquid water in the birdbaths. The sub-freeing temperatures put a layer of ice on the water, even in the day time. At night, the water froze solid into one big slab. I carelessly left one of the birdbath pans out over night, with water in it. Of course the water froze, expanded and cracked the plastic. We’re using a kitchen container temporarily, until we can decide what to replace it with .
The birds ate a tremendous amount of food in the cold spell. I guess they need to, to keep fueled up and warm. I don’t know. Maybe cold weather just makes them hungry.
Here’s a couple of videos from this morning. A Tufted Titmouse gets a drink:
And a squirrel drinks and sits for a few moments thinking about something. He ought to be thinking about how good he has it here in the Backyard Food Court, but I doubt that he was: