Monday – 12.26.2016

9:00 AM – More birds this morning, including the Blue jays. Here’s Mrs. Cardinal taking a serious bath:

8:40 AM – This morning we saw a bird we can’t quite identify. Here’s the video:

It’s got a patch of bright yellow at the top of the tail / base of back, and a very slight yellow cast to the top of the head. At first I thought it might be a Goldfinch, but the tail isn’t notched, and the eye has a white rim. The other possibility is the Yellow Rumped Warbler. They are usually very bright yellow, but the ‘non-breeding’ kinds are dull, with slightly yellow head/throat and the bright patch at the top of the tail. The warbler also has that white eye-ring, and the tail is right. Not sure which it is, or if it’s something else altogether. I’d like to get a better view.